Wednesday, January 6, 2010

we are all screwed.

hi. the world is ending. not because of war. not because of global warming. not because of racism. not because of sexism. not because of homophobes, not because of homosexuals. not because of disease. not because of bees. no. not because of any of that. the world is ending because people are ridiculous. so ridiculous that i needed to make a blog listing the reasons that we are screwed as a planet.

i'm not being negative, i'm just being blunt and trying to get a laugh. the bad is far outweighing the good, and i'm no longer capable of internalizing the things that are terrible in this world. well, i probably am, but i don't want to. most of it is on tv, in magazines, in our ipods, and is shaping how we are "cool." i'm going to leave the serious issues to the experts who are doing awesome jobs at fixing them...awesome. 

anyway, i think this can be a fun experiment on the hilarity ridiculosity that is our world. we are all dead in two years anyway, right? or did the mayans lie to me? wouldn't be the first time...seriously, this 2012 crap should be the first thing on the list. maybe it will be. tomorrow. yes, tomorrow. i need to sleep now before my thoughts get any more deranged.

take cover,