moving on to reason #10. i can't believe we reached this milestone. reason #10 i have saved for last because it may be the most important reason that we have discussed this far. reason #10 is facebook lovers. not just the "in a relationship" lovers, the lovers that feel the need to let everyone know they are lovers. we are talking facebook profile pics (sometimes the same pic), status messages, and constant wall posts. an example of a wall-to-wall post...
lovebird 1: i love you, babe
lovebird 2: no, i love you, babe.
lovebird 1: can't wait to see you, babe, love you so much
lovebird 2: i know, it's been 5 minutes. can't wait to get out of class so i can see you. love you, babe.
lovebird 1: babe, i love you, babe.
lovebird 2: babe, babe, babe, babe, love love love love, babe. babe.
sample status...
lovebird 1: i love my girlfriend so much.
lovebird 2: i love that my boyfriend loves me so much and i love him more!
we all know these people. i suggest a "get a room" feature that mimics the "like" button. i am all for people being in relationships i just can't stand the constant back-and-forth of pet names and "i love yous." so, facebook love birds, please stay in your nests and save the love bragging for alone time. it's just annoying to everyone even if they don't tell you to your face.
Babe. I got you babe.
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