Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Ridiculously Photogenic Guy

hi. so have you all seen the "ridiculously photogenic guy" yet? i know it sounds like that would be a name i made up but it isn't. what it is is the latest craze in the meme-dom (that one i did make up). here's the backstory...

a man runs a race. a man smiles at friends but catches the lens of a photographer. instant fame ensues.

here is the photo that started this...

so now the memedom captured him and the memes began...

good morning america even went so far as to have an interview with him... which they discovered there is no story other than that he is ridiculously photogenic.

i could say so much about this guy. he seems pretty harmless and didn't ask for this attention but if it was me i'd be making a lot more fun of the whole situation. and i definitely would have used "ridiculously" at least once per sentence. 

"thanks for having me, it's ridiculously cold today." "your dress is ridiculously amazing." "the photographer is ridiculously creepy." "this interview is ridiculously awkward" catch my drift. 


also is it just me or is this guy a better looking version of 'nick' from new girl

take cover,

p.s. also can we start calling him the RPG (ridiculously photogenic guy)? it will make so many nerds so angry. let's do it. ok? ok.